April 4, 2024

What is Unique About The Biosanctuary?

3 min read

The Biosanctuary is a unique green, non-toxic health sanctuary located in an amazing site in Hill County in Austin, Texas, where you can enjoy a respite, safe from the toxic onslaught of modern life, to detox, nourish and heal.

Here we practice a comprehensive, high impact medical model encompassing a unique range of cutting-edge treatments and therapies. Each therapy works synergistically, each one making all the other therapies even more effective for maximum potency.

From a scientific medical perspective, the underlying cause of all disease is oxidative stress caused by our toxic environments, denatured diets and other unhealthy lifestyle influences. To reduce oxidative stress – and therefore to resolve the disease it causes – patients are subjected to the following in the clinic:

* thorough detoxification;
* proper hydration;
* clean and nutrient-dense non-GMO nutrition;
* advanced high impact adjuvant therapies for resetting the gut ecosystem.

As we like to explain it: our biological medicine model restores your body’s ‘Divine Design’ – the structural integrity of a human body the way God and Nature designed it.

We employ passionate licensed healthcare professionals with stellar credentials that hold true to evidence-based scientific standards in biological medicine, while believing and employing the power of God and Nature in their therapies and processes.

To our knowledge, there is no other clinic in the US or anywhere else that provides as many cutting-edge treatments that all work together synergistically, day and night, to ensure the profound medical patient outcomes that we achieve at The Biosanctuary.

For example, the hydrogen inhalation therapy we offer to boost our patients immune systems is considered the biological medicine breakthrough of the century. Another one of our high impact treatments is Extracorporeal Blood Ozonation & Oxygenation (EBOO) which takes oxygen deep into the body’s tissues, killing pathogens and dramatically reducing pathogen loads. Similarly, our Harvard-hailed NAD therapy works rapidly to repair neurons in the brain and cells throughout the body.

We invite you to read more about these and our other cutting-edge therapies and treatments such as Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) therapy and infrared saunas; IV (intravenous) nutritional therapies (Meyer’s Plus Cocktails), and more here…

After your 7-day stay at The Biosanctuary, you will feel radically better. But we don’t simply wave goodbye and wish you well. We want you to be able to maintain your newly restored health when you return home.

For this reason, our commitment to you extends across three phases: your 7-day stay during which a very thorough detox and high-impact therapies return you to vibrant health; a two to five-month period of entrenching your newly-restored health into a way of life, with our support; and the rest of your life, enjoying all things in moderation and experiencing a high level of health and well-being.

If you would like to know more about what makes The Biosanctuary unique, please watch this video… [03.12 – 12:20] in which our esteemed Medical Director, Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C., F.E, explains in more detail.

For your own unique healing experience and a radical shift in your health and well-being, simply contact us here… or call us on (877) 285.9266 to schedule a phone consultation.

Find out more about the most progressive biological medicine retreat in the world – where cutting edge science & ancient medicine meet and get a 15 minute FREE consultation here…

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