April 4, 2024

Scabs On The Scalp Guide

4 min read

Most us have gone through social embarrassment due to 1 of these reasons sooner or later inside our lives – dandruff, lice, itchy scalp, etc. Did you know that a number of of the scalp conditions can result in scabs?

If you’re wondering what this problem is and exactly how serious it can be, read our article. We’ve listed all its causes, how to take care of each of them and all the potential risks involved. Keep scrolling.

 What Is A Scab and How To Treat Scalp Scabs?
A scab is a tiny or big patch of skin that is excessively drier than the skin around it. Other healthy areas on the scalp will be smooth to the touch, as the scabs will be hard and rough. Scabs can be small and far apart, or several close patches together forming bigger scabs.

Causes & Treatments For Scalp Scabs
There can be several causes for scabs on the scalp – from dandruff and lice to contact dermatitis and seborrheic eczema. With regards to the cause, treatment can be chosen. Most times, the scabs clear up with topical treatments or targeted medication.

1. Lice FOR THE Hair
Lice could be very contagious as they can fly in one person’s hair to another. Head lice causes itching in case you scratch too much or for too long, it can cause scabs that gets infected.

Head lice aren’t carriers of any serious ailments and don’t cause serious harm. But, they have to be managed and removed completely as it is unhygienic and may cause problems socially.

There are many OTC shampoos and medications available specifically to treat head lice. Look for ingredients like pyrethrin, dimethicone, etc. Once they fall off or are applied for they die in a few days; as they have got nothing to prey on.

2. Shingles
A similar virus that causes chickenpox can cause shingles, as it remains dormant in the body if you experienced chickenpox. When it gets reactivated, it causes shingles. They usually affect your skin, but make a difference the scalp too sometimes.

Shingles look like tiny blisters that become yellow and crusty as time passes. A rash due to shingles can be painful, and could lead to headaches or facial weakness. The problem may persist for many months.

Treatment for shingles must be prescribed with a dermatologist. The protocol could include topical ointments, oral antiviral and pain-killing medicines.

3. Eosinophilic Folliculitis
A non-contagious condition, eosinophilic folliculitis leads to pus-filled sores that are itchy. If they heal, they leave patches of dark skin. This problem occurs when someone is within an advanced stage of HIV. The scabs can spread and recur as well.

Prescription medication, predicated on other health conditions, is prescribed. They include tablets that can control the infection and reduce the pain, and medicated ointments and shampoos to soothe the condition topically.

4. Contact Dermatitis
The result of your body to chemicals such as those present in cosmetics, hair colour, or shampoo contributes to contact dermatitis. Other factors leading to it include certain fabrics and jewellery, poison ivy, etc. When you scratch, it could bleed and lead to scab formation.

Contact dermatitis can get rid of alone. If the allergic attack is severe, antihistamines and other relief providing OTC treatments may be prescribed.

5. Seborrheic Dermatitis (Dandruff)
Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis [6] is one of the most common skin conditions that can cause scabs on the scalp. Itching, scabs, and dry flakes of skin that fall off and adhere to the hair are symptoms. Scabs may be yellowish or white. Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious.

It is a myth that poor hygiene causes dandruff; the exact cause is unknown. Shampooing everyday is also no guarantee that you will not have dandruff.

There are several OTC shampoos specifically for dandruff available. Some medicated lotions and ointments can be utilized as a supplementary treatment. When you select a shampoo to reduce dandruff, look for ingredients like salicylic acid, selenium sulfide , pyrithione zinc and tar.

There are also prescription shampoos which contain ketoconazole available in the market. But, those can cause irritation and itching; and can also change the feel and texture of nice hair as side ramifications of permanent use. If these symptoms persist, speak to your dermatologist.

Dandruff can be controlled; with regards to the severity. It can take some months to a few years. In some cases, it remains an issue for life; though its intensity and appearance may recede and reappear over and over.

6. Scalp Psoriasis
A non-contagious condition of the skin, Psoriasis affects your skin anywhere on your body. When it affects the scalp, the symptoms are thick scabs all around the scalp. The scabs may be white, silver or grey.

If the symptoms aren’t too severe, prescribed medicated shampoos can relieve the presence of the scabs and reduce the itching sensation. Shampoos to take care of scabs on the scalp due to psoriasis will include tar and salicylic acid.

When the symptoms get more serious, or the shampoo does not reduce the itching, your dermatologist may prescribe steroids by means of topical ointments or injections. Sometimes, the lymph nodes gets swollen, in which particular case your physician may suggest antimicrobial creams.

7. Acne
Usually, acne causes pimples and blocked pores on the facial skin and in areas like the scalp where hair follicles are present. If they get clogged due to sweat, oil, dead cells or infection, it may lead to acne and scabs on the scalp.

Medicated shampoos and frequent hair baths can decrease the presence of scabs and acne on the scalp. If the condition is severe, the dermatologist may prescribe anti-acne treatments or even antibiotics.

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